I had had had had had had to get out of the house. Seeing that we had a 3 day weekend in our future, I contacted Tom's Uncle Ray and begged that we could come up to his house in Long Beach, NY. He and Karla were happy to welcome us in.

On Saturday morning, we took a bus from Bethesda, MD to Manhattan, NYC. Then we took a train to Long Beach (the Long Island Rail Road) it took about 5 hours to get there, we got to eat, pee, and hang out on both bus and train. We could hold the baby and no car seat was needed (how dangerous was that???!?!?! Why aren't there laws about that?!??!). So we were all happy and hanging out and the traveling hours flew.
We arrived in Long Beach and hung out at Ray and Karla's house. Clark got a million licks from their dogs Japser and Django. On Sunday we hung out in Long Beach. Karla made a yummy pancake in the oven for us to have for breakfast. I went to church with Uncle Ray in the morning, we sat around and ate a French lunch of cheese, bread and fruit, we took a walk to the beach in the early afternoon, we took naps in the late afternoon, we had a yummy dinner, and went to mass that night. On Monday, again had a delicious breakfast, we took the LIRR (train) into Manhattan.
We had lunch at Carnagie Deli with a friend of mine from Tulane. Then we walked around Central Park.

We then went to Ray and Karla's apartment in the Upper East Side. We hung out there for a couple of hours listening to "Wait, wait, don't tell me." and talking about our lives while Clark napped. Then we went to a delicious Sushi resturant for dinner. We went back home on the train and slept very well.

The next morning, we ate NY Bagels and got back on the train to go home. Clark was amazing through the whole thing and had a blast! This is him keeping busy while we waited for the bus to pick us up.

It was a wonderful vacation, with no agenda except for relaxing. Ray and Karla are wonderful people, smart and funny to be around. We will definately make this trip again, and hopefully soon!