Summer recap: June 15-26
Nana was here the week before Gianna was born, on her birth day, and the week after. She did so much to help us.
She took the big kids to the pool for pre-team practice. Pre-team was a new concept to me, so I'll explain it. It is similar to swim lessons, with the goal to actually prepare the kids for swim team one day. The kids did kickboard practice and some other stuff. I wish I really remembered, but I had the baby that week!!!!
The second week, the baby was born on Monday. The kids went to Vacation Bible School #1 at St. Peter's in Olney, Md. The had a good time. The theme was Son Sparks Labs. They did some sort of Jesus/Science hybrid that I didn't understand from the crafts they brought home. They learned some fun songs that they got on a CD about being a part of God's forever family. They also learned that sin separates us from God. I call it a win. Nana took them to VBS in the morning and swimming in the afternoon.
Nana and new baby Gianna |
VBS singing |
Nana and Gianna matching hands |
more matching |
I had a fun time hanging out with her. She let me fix her hair. She's been growing it out, so we tried some styles. This is the only one that looked good. I don't really know how to do my hair beyond a braid or ponytail, so I was probably the wrong person to be trying poofs and french twists, but we had fun... or at least I did. I love female bonding over hair brushing. I really do.
Nana and a squishy baby |
We baked a cake and celebrated Gianna's birthday, on her 5th day of life. Good thing we had a 5 year old at one point!
Celebrating Gianna's 5th day. |
Her visit was really wonderful. I should also add that Bob was here for a few days early in the week. While he was in town, they stayed at a nearby hotel. Then Bob went to his conference, Orientale Lumen. I dont have any photos from his section of the visit. I think I mostly napped, because I was super pregnant then. He missed meeting Gianna. We hope they both come back to snuggle her soon!