Hi everyone! This is Tom.
Quick info:
Clark Joseph Greenwell was born at 9:35 pm on Saturday, March 7th, 2009. He weighed 9 lbs 6 ounces and is 21 1/4" in length. He came out vigorously and is strong and doing well. He is already suckling and crying and sleeping. We thank all of you for your support and love.
We are doing well, and i just want to update everyone with a brief recap of the last 24 hours or so.
On friday, as you could see from the last post, nothing really happened in the beginning of the day after some nice labor-like ccontractions on Thursday evening. WE napped all day, which was good. At about 4:30 pm, we decided to go see a movie (Watchmen) which was pretty good, but long. towards the end of the movie Veronica began to have some contractions again. The contractions really started up at about 8-9:30 pm that night. We decided we would try to sleep and see if this was the real thing. No sleep was had and at midnight called our care provider who told us to let them know if the contractions became closer and more regular. They did. At about 3 am we called the midwife and told her after another bout of unsuccessful sleep. The midwife came at about 4 am saturday morning.
Contractions continued and Veronica labored hard with my support. Our birth assistant was called by the midwife at about 6:30 am and she came over within 2 hours. We labored and labored. Walking helped. In the afternoon, Veronica's Mom arrived at the regularly scheduled time and was able to give me a break since Veronica only wanted to be with me during contractions. I napped and ate and felt re-energized. Things slowed down and slackened, but picked back up again. By about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, we knew the baby was going to come that day, but we didn't know when. We walked around our backyard, determined to keep the contractions going and the baby coming. During the whole time, our baby had a wonderfully strong heartbeat, even though some tough pushing. Finally, Veronica put forth a wonderful effort of pushing and our son was born at 9:35 pm. Everyone is fine now and resting. We are actually pretty exhausted from 1.5 days + of labor and birth. Veronica's mom has been such a blessing and my sister Andrea was also a big help. Thanks to everyone who helped and prayed for us!
I've posted a few pictures, taken from my phone. More to follow.
Thanks for everyone's support. We will call in you in the coming weeks, and update this blog as soon as we can. No need to call us if you can wait.
We love everyone!
Congratulations! We are so excited for you... and we love the name (Joe especially likes the middle one!) Enjoy him!
Congratulations, Veronica & Tom!! Welcome, Clark!!!
ReplyDeleteWith love,
The Zimeks
I think CLark looks a little like his Dad. Congratulations and God bless you all!
ReplyDeleteNicolas is happy to have a new first cousin, once removed.
Love, the Mabilleau s
Adorable! I love his name too. I think he looks a lot like his Grandpa Averill....hmmm....
ReplyDeleteAunt Cindi
Congratulations to you all! I am so excited for you! Love and blessings