Sunday, May 31, 2009
Cute Video of Clark laughing/being entertained by Mom
Friday, May 29, 2009
something funny.
In an Auburn University classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be the president of the United States .
It was pretty simple -- the candidate must be a natural born American citizen at least 35 years of age.
However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair the requirement was about being a natural born citizen.
In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president.
The class was taking it in and letting her rant, but everyone's jaw hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, 'What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?'
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
More Louisiana
I dont know why this is so cute, but it is. his expression is hilarious!
Alligator sighting! Its just the splash, but it was there! I told Dad to defend us if the alligator attacked and tried to eat Clark.
On Saturday we drove to Lafayette. Clark met Jill Douglas (a friend I went to Mexico with for my very first mission trip). Clark got dressed for the wedding at Jill's apartment. Mom thought he looked like a little engineer.
On Sunday, my brother, Stephen brought his family over from Houston and we hung out in the hotel where Mom and I spent the night. It was a really great visit.
my mom and Matthew goof off!
Sunday night, mom dropped Clark and I off at Josh, Ashley and John Paul Brumfield's house. We stayed there for the remainder of the trip. On Memorial day we had a pool party at Josh's aunts house, and on Tuesday we went to the Tulane Catholic Center for a communion service and walked around campus. Then we were dropped off at the airport.
It rained every day of my trip - I love Louisiana!
It was a wonderful trip, Clark was able to meet his granddad, lots of cousins, and second cousins, his USA (Uncle Stephen Averill) and Aunt Katie, he got to meet his Godparents, and many other hugely significant people in his parent's life, including the lady who was responsible for their dating. Clark got to fly in two airplanes, ride a boat, go to a new state, and to stand in the location where his parents met. How nice. It was a very jam packed, and therefore tiring trip. Clark and I slept all day long the day we got back. I personally got out of bed at 4:30 this afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get some stuff done!
Love, V
Friday, May 22, 2009
I Love Louisiana.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Louisiana Bound!
Clark is ready for the sun and to meet tons of family (Grampa, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Kaite, Cousins Kenzie and Matthew, Great Aunt Cindi, Great Cousins Heather, Courtney and all of their children plus Great Cousins Mia, Marisa, and Naomi - maybe Great Uncle Grant and Great Cousin Clay if we are lucky) and friends (TCC and my best friend's mom and sisters) and attend the wedding of Steven Brooksher and Mauree Harris. Clark is most excited about meeting his new best friend, John Paul Joseph Brumfield, who will be moving to Maryland this summer with his parents Josh and Ashley!
I am very excited about this trip and most excited about meeting my God daughter, Samantha and seeing God daughter Kenzie!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Stop and smell the roses.
He is just starting to grab stuff now.
He doesn't have much arm control yet, which explains the burst of pollen to the face.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lazy Post

Weight: 13lbs 3 oz (85 percentile)
Height: 24 3/4 inches (95th percentile)
Head circumfrance: we dont remember (50th percentile)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Medical results
Metabolic panel (including PKU) which was done at birth and again at 2 weeks is all within normal limits!
He got three vaccines today: Rotavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type B and Pneumococcal 7 conjugate. He seems to be doing fine and is laughing and smiling in between naps! We are glad that he won't get baby meningitis now. No brain damage, deafness, or blindness for our son! yay!
More later on last week's fun activities!
Where Faith and Politics Intersect, Part III
This is really a place to talk about the fam, but this was interesting reading. Are we really a "sure bet" for politicians and therefore lose our political strength???
Where Faith and Politics Intersect, Part 3
Over the past two weeks, in "Where Faith and Politics Intersect" and "Where Faith and Politics Intersect, Part II," I have examined the situation in which Catholic voters in the United States find themselves. On the national level, neither of the two major parties reflects the moral and social teaching of the Catholic Church completely. Indeed, sometimes through the positions they have adopted and sometimes simply through compromise, both parties fall significantly short of what Catholics should expect in their political leaders.
That means that voting is almost always a compromise, as long as one is voting for a candidate from one of the two major parties. Many Catholics, myself included (at least in the past), have decided that the better compromise to make is to vote for candidates who are pro-life, even if they do not adhere to Church teaching on other issues, because abortion is the gravest moral evil that we face everyday in the modern world.
But the problem, as I explained in Part II, is that voting in that manner has led to us becoming "sure votes" for those who say they oppose abortion (which means, in most cases, Republicans), even if they do not follow through. As long as a putatively pro-life candidate is facing an opponent who is pro-abortion, he or she can count on our votes, election after election.
And the result is that Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land, and we now have the most pro-abortion President the United States has ever seen.
Other Catholics have made a different (and equally flawed) choice.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Life is amazing.
Every day, Tom and I are amazed that this little person came out of me and was a result of our love. Every day, we are amazed at how he grows and does new things. Its incredible how much he's grown. We are shocked to find our favorite Clark outfits no longer fit him! I constantly go to the bags of gifted and handed down clothes to pull out the next biggest thing. He will never wear-out any of the cute things he has.
Clark is a funny little boy. I will be holding or feeding him and talking on the phone, watching TV, playing on the computer, reading or day dreaming. Then I will look down and he will have a massive grin on his little face. Suddenly, I feel bad for ignoring him. Then I'll pick him up and he will laugh or smile. He is very social and loves to laugh and smile. See?
The most tender moments have been at nighttime when rocking him to sleep. For two nights in a row, I've looked down to see a beautiful, huge grin on his sleeping face. Wow. Now that's what I call positive reinforcement. I will rock him to sleep forever, just like the mommy in "I love you forever"
He is getting stronger every day. While he works on his neck control on the floor he likes to work out his legs too. I prematurely put him into the doorway jumper to see if he could use it yet.
He's still too small (don't worry, I held his neck). One of his feet could touch the floor and he spun around on it a little bit, but I know he wants to push up on them.
We took him into the big bath with me this week because we were too lazy to use the baby bath. Let me tell you it is way easier and way more fun to clean him that way! Then he got to "swim" around in the water. He pushed off of my tummy like it was the side of the pool and he did the baby backstroke to the edge of the tub!
There are so many things about being a parent that I love. I love the smiles and laughs. I love his coos, but most of all I love that I am growing more and more patient. I know! Me! Patient! I no longer want to speed when I drive, its no problem to stand in lines, and I will try to put him to sleep for hours without it bothering me anymore. When I was a youth minister, parents always told me I had a bunch of patience, well now I think I really do!
Clark loves to watch mouths right now. When we eat he watches intently, and moves his tongue in his mouth. When we make noises and stick out our tongues at him, he LOVES it! He loves singing and when we talk. He tries to talk back to us. Posting all three of these videos may be overkill, but I love that Clark is willing to converse with us. Here are just some examples of how much fun it is to talk to Clark.
We have not visited Shanti and her babies yet, but will go Friday.
This weekend we went to a craw fish boil! YAY! We didn't bring our cameras so we have no cool pictures from it. We also left Clark with a babysitter for the first time (Thanks Anna!) and we went to the movies. We saw: X-man origins: Wolverine. It was awesome. We checked in with Anna to see how Clark was doing, and the answer was "fine" So, we went to La Tasca and had some tapas. It was a great weekend!
The week ahead brings: getting our car fixed, the VCUG (test to see if he will get chronic UTIs), visiting Shanti, hanging out, and then a Drs visit for 2 month check-up complete with vaccination! weeeeeee!