I dont know why this is so cute, but it is. his expression is hilarious!
Alligator sighting! Its just the splash, but it was there! I told Dad to defend us if the alligator attacked and tried to eat Clark.
On Saturday we drove to Lafayette. Clark met Jill Douglas (a friend I went to Mexico with for my very first mission trip). Clark got dressed for the wedding at Jill's apartment. Mom thought he looked like a little engineer.
We went to the wedding of Steven Brooksher and Mauree Harris. Clark was able to meet Craig, Christina, Lucy and Samantha Baker (our Goddaughter),
Josh, Ashley and John Paul Brumfield (soon to move to DC and to be Clark's Godparents),
Clark was excited to meet his future best friend, John Paul. He also met Steven Locke, Andrew Marin, Katie Austin and the bride and groom. Clark also met Ms. Molly, the woman who pushed me into Tom one fateful night and said, "you two should go out". Without Ms. Molly there may be no Clark.
Ms. Molly
Ashley and John Paul
Josh, Clark and Lucy (Craig and Christina's firstborn)
On Sunday, my brother, Stephen brought his family over from Houston and we hung out in the hotel where Mom and I spent the night. It was a really great visit.
Katie teaches Kenzie how Clark will hold her finger.
Matthew holds his little cousin.
Clark, his momma and his USA!

my mom and Matthew goof off!
My momma and her kids! (it was bright outside!)
my mom and Matthew goof off!
Sunday night, mom dropped Clark and I off at Josh, Ashley and John Paul Brumfield's house. We stayed there for the remainder of the trip. On Memorial day we had a pool party at Josh's aunts house, and on Tuesday we went to the Tulane Catholic Center for a communion service and walked around campus. Then we were dropped off at the airport.
John Paul and Clark at the pool party!
Ashley, John Paul, Clark(alseep) and Me - Rocking the Moby Wraps! At Tulane Campus. Tulane Catholic Center is in the background.
It rained every day of my trip - I love Louisiana!
It rained every day of my trip - I love Louisiana!
It was a wonderful trip, Clark was able to meet his granddad, lots of cousins, and second cousins, his USA (Uncle Stephen Averill) and Aunt Katie, he got to meet his Godparents, and many other hugely significant people in his parent's life, including the lady who was responsible for their dating. Clark got to fly in two airplanes, ride a boat, go to a new state, and to stand in the location where his parents met. How nice. It was a very jam packed, and therefore tiring trip. Clark and I slept all day long the day we got back. I personally got out of bed at 4:30 this afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get some stuff done!
Love, V
AWW He's so cute! I can't wait to see you all this summer! It's onna be great!