Our computer broke, so I am posting from my phone.
Clark is now strong enough to wave his arms and knock things over. An example is a giant glass of water placed near our comPuter- hence its brokenness. It was my fault though- not his.
He can hold his hands together, put weight on his hands while on his belly, arch his back and turn to the side a bit, and he can reach for something with two hands and grab it as well as transfer stuff from one hand to the other. As always, he continues to be adorable.
His eyes appear to be getting slightly lighter and clearer! Yay Averill genes.
This week Uncle John Greenwell came for a visit (yes, that's 4 visitors this month- we might take next month off). With UJohnG, Clark had his first zoo trip, and visit to Harper's Ferry and West Virginia.
We've also been hanging out with other moms in the neighborhood, from church and from our birth class. We went to the movies, had a pool party in the back yard and went to the mall.
Clark was getting very fussy and we think he may be teething. Apparently I didn't get teeth until I was 8/9 mos (which explains why I have no wisdom teeth and got 12 year old molars at 16) but Tom and the Greenwell cousins are getting teeth at 4 mos. Clark turns 4 mos on Tuesday.
Tom and I brought Clark to our birth class and gave our birth story, plus tons of tips. It was fun. I am exploring the posability of teaching Bradley childbirth and also Postpartum Doula-ing. Bradley would be a good place to start, training is in Nov.
I'll try to figure out how to post pictures and stuff here but it may be a while. I'll try to keep you updated in our comings and goings in the meantime!
Ps keep Andrea and Jake and Sophia in your prayers, this is their last week in DC, they leave for SanDiego next Saturday to start a new job in a new house!
Hello world!
2 years ago
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