We went to Minnesota this past weekend to celebrate the wedding of Tom's best friend, Ian, to his beautiful bride, Kelly. We stayed with the Janzen family: Tom's sister: Monica, her husband: Daron, and the kiddies: Will(5), Ivy(3) and Ruby 1.5). While nobody took photos at the wedding, we took lots of pictures of the fun at the Janzen household.
We kept the kids busy by periodically allowing them to watch videos. Clark fit right in and loved to play with their fun toys!
As a gift for Ivy, I made a fairy costume. Here Ivy models this glorious outfit!
Will goes to Kindergarden every day and Ivy goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here is Monica being a wonderful mother and reading to Ivy on her day off of preschool.
On Saturday MORNING we went to the Minnesota Zoo!
Ruby loved the curly slide!!!
Ivy models with the snow leopards (you can't really see them in the pic, but Ivy looks cute). It was a great day for animals at the zoo, almost all of them were out and doing animal things!!
Here is Tom and the baby and me!
Mo-mo and Clark. Notice Clark is showing his Charger's pride! Go BOLTS!
The zoo has an awesome park. Ruby drove the park's boat....
while Will went fishing!
The little baby demonstrated his birth.
All of the kids really loved the prarie dogs!
On Saturday AFTERNOON, we picked up Tom and Monica's Uncle Leo and went to visit Aunt Marge. It was a chilly afternoon, but we sat outside in the shade.
Here we all are together (minus Tom who took the photo)
There are Leo and Marge (they are siblings with Tom's mom, Janet)
Clark really liked Uncle Leo, and tried to punch him. It looks like Marge was egging him on! Marge and Leo really enjoyed visiting with us and Clark. They both got to hold him and get some baby joy.
On our last day there, Sunday, we played outside
Ruby did her Ruby thing.
Spider Monkey Will climbed all over the place!
and we got a group shot of the kids.
What a great trip!