2. We are going to Chicago this week. I dropped Tom at the airport this morning. Clark and I are joining him tomorrow. Tom is going for the Neuroscience Conference.
3. I saw my best friend, Liz and her sister this week. They are going to New York State for a month or more to live at Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch and do yoga and farm. I'm hugely jealous.
There are millions of pros to being an adult who is married and has a kid and a house and a community. But there is one huge flaw. Its very irresponsible and unheard of (even though people DO do it) to completely abandon everything and search for yourself/give up your old life to get a new one. While I feel quite happy with myself, having "found myself" many years ago during some deep searching that started in high school when most girls are looking for the perfect haircut and nail polish color, I still feel jealous when people can blow off their old lives and find a new one. This thought applies to the yoga ranch, missionary work, and world travel.
I wouldn't trade what I have for anything, but if I didn't have what I have, that's what I would do.
4. I went to Arundel Mills Mall today and bought some nursing bras. I've been doing this for 7 months. I have 3 shelf bra tank tops and one proper brassiere. Now I have 2 more real bras. I should have gone there MONTHS ago. They cost $15 and $9. I bought my first nursing bra for $60. What an idiot!
5. I also got a pretty turtleneck from United Colors of Benetton. This is the most ridiculously priced store ever, HOWEVER, they have AMAZING clearance. My turtleneck cost 9.99. Yeah, and its like dry clean only, or wash, but don't tumble dry, the tag has about 19 languages on it, i can't figure out what kind of fabric it is in the midst of all of the languages, but i did find washing instructions. i tumbled it for a few minutes before hanging it up.
6. I put Clark to bed and he woke up an hour later, but Tom called (from Chicago). Clark was crying, but he listened to his dad talk on the phone and was happy. He saw Tom's photo on the caller-id and he laughed. it was really sweet
7. Tonight I hosted our first "Babies and Beer". Andrea and Jake used to do it in DC, so I finally got some friends and babies and beer over at my house. We had a food picnic on the living room floor with the two neighborhood babies: Eva and Simi (she was featured in the video and park photos last week). It was nice, but the babies go to bed at 7:30 or so, so it doesn't last long.
Have a good weekend! I'll post next time from Chicago!!! (if I have a computer)
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