In mid-October, Tom went to Chicago for the Neuroscience conference. I met him out there after a day and flew home a day before he did. Therefore, Tom got TWO NIGHTS of BABY FREE SLEEP! Good for him! We had a great time. This is the overview of what we did and who we saw!
The first night I was there, our family met up with Clark's Uncle James and Tom's Uncle Phil. We ate at a nice restaurant in the Hilton Hotel. Back in the hotel room we took a photo. Our legs were too big, and I don't really know how to photo-edit, so you get this framed photo of our hotel room and the attendees at dinner.
On Sunday, Tom joined us to go to the Shedd Aquarium. This is the view of the city from the aquarium.
I love aquariums, and am so happy that Clark loved it too! He couldn't keep his eyes off of the fish!
Readers who knew me from my San Diego days will know that I love sting rays. They had some really pretty ones there. Here's one!
On Monday, Clark and I went to the Chicago Historical Museum. It is definitely a good place to go if you like history and are looking for a good experience. It is a very fun and interesting museum.
Here Clark poses as a Chicago hot dog! Pickle, tomato, onions, relish, mustard and baby make a tasty treat!
Here Clark drools on one of the ancient, antique and original L trains built for the Columbia Exposition!
On Tuesday, Clark slept in the stroller and I walked a million miles over the city. On the magnificent mile, I encountered the Water tower.
The Hancock Building
After the mega morning walk, we went to the International Museum of Surgical Sciences. I took lots of pictures there, but none that I think you'll be interested in. I liked it though.
Later Tuesday afternoon, we went to the Adler Planetarium, because I just hadn't walked far enough that day! (All in all, I walked about 6 miles for each day I was in the city). Here is a picture of me. I got my hair cut on Sunday morning in Chicago and don't really like the result. But here is a photo of us in a chair.
The planetarium is interactive and would be fun when Clark cares about things. I don't. When I got there and realized it was all about planets and the Mars rover, I realized it was a mistake for me to go there thinking I would find something interesting to do. I was thinking we could watch a movie about how to find the stars. Unfortunately you have to pay extra for the movies, so instead we wandered about....
Clark in his sexy, planet model pose.
I guess the best part of going to the planetarium is the city view. So here it is for you to enjoy.
It wasn't all walking, touring, and museuming. We spent lots of time hanging out in the hotel room too. Clark kicked back and relaxed in his own baby way. Here he is looking naked, but definitely wearing a diaper!
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