On Friday we were supposed to fly to sunny, warm Southern California for a visit with the Greenwells of SD. (Nana, Grampa, Andrea and fam and John). We cancelled this trip due to the sickos. As a consolation prize for cancelling our trip it snowed yesterday! Around 9 am the rain changed to big fat feathers of snow. They were falling thick and fast. We watched the snowfall all morning long in our jammies. (Of course I'm not in any pictures because I was taking them all. I need to keep this in mind in the future. Our great grand children will think I was an absentee mother).

Since the weather outside was frightful, and we had no other plans. We took out our Christmas decorations. We had a hard time finding the tree base, but eventually we found it. We set up our artificial pre-lit tree and decorated it with the shell ornaments we bought when we lived in OB, and fake birds that I bought one year at and after Thanksgiving sale with my sister, Katie in Texas. We had a few other ornaments. Some from an ornament exchange at the Peterson's house (Stephanie from Tom's high school). Some from when I was a little girl, decorated with my name, or ones that mom made out of yarn.

The cutest thing that happened, was that Clark, our little baby, crawled over to this Advent Church that we have. He started investigating it just like a little boy. He tried to grab the knobs and open the doors. He is really turning into a little explorer now. He crawls all over the house checking out corners, heating vents, knobs, handles, and doors. He is really amazing us. He just started babbling "ba ba ba ba ba" all of the weekend now. His favorite thing is still being walked around the house by his hands, or doing it himself with his walker.

The sum of our decorations.

Dr. and Baby Goofy.

Goofy Tom is helping Clark develop his sense of humor. Clark is a big laugher and will laugh along with us if we are laughing. He's also figuring out cause-and-effect. Yesterday, Clark made a noise in a cup and Tom laughed. Then Clark did it again resulting in more laughter. So now, when he puts his mouth on a cup, he is trying to make us laugh. He gets a little glimmer in his eye like, "he he he, I'm going to make them crack up this time!" You can hear him make the noise a few times in the video.
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