Clark can make the following word-like sounds...
- mama
- dada
- yumyum
- eggeggegg
- oh no/uh oh
- bababababa
- do (dog)
- ttttttt (turtle)
- kkkkkkk (Clark)
- he also "sings" along with me when I sing to him, its like humming with an open mouth and its precious.
- he also sings a high note when I play the guitar or he gets excited!
Clark can...
- clap
- wave hello
- wave goodbye (although a minute after the person has left)
- indicate all done (kind-of)
- shake his head "no"
- stab with the fork (like a murderer)
- get food on his fork
- fork food into his mouth
- put the spoon into the bowl/food area
- put the spoon into his mouth (most of the food falls off, but he's getting better)
- open cabinets
- climb stairs
- go down steps face first - crawling style
- walk
- stand up without pulling-up on an object
- bang objects together
- "play" the guitar and piano
- climb into a cardboard box
- sit happily on his potty chair
- stand on the potty stool and get his hands washed
- hug
- kiss mama and dada
- blow on our bellies =)
- sing a very high noted aria.
- almost always sleep through the night until 6am (we are now working on a 7 am wake up/expect mommy to get-to-work time)
things Clark doesn't like...
- wearing hats
- wearing his bike helmet
- being laid down to get his diaper changed
- balls or balloons or things that are larger than his head.
things that will make Clark ridiculously happy...
- being ticked on his knees, toes, and neck
- extreme peekaboo
- running between dangling things (strings, curtains)
- watching himself on video
- Tom's funny faces
- plastic Solo cups
things that Clark really likes to do right now.
Drag things around the house including:
- Alligator Piano/Xylophone drug by the string and mallet
- Puppy Dog drug by the leash
- Camera Case drug by the shoulder strap
- Shoes drug by the laces
Chew on things and walk including:
- very large cardboard boxes
- pencils, spoons, long stick-like objects (we remain vigilant for his safety)
- stand by the door and look out at the world
- bang on the door
- open and close the door (but not his fingers- that goes under "dislikes!"
- climb face first out of the doorstep
- walk around with toys and leave them scattered all over the house
- open and close cabinets and doors
- inspect everything that looks like a button, grommet, knob or protruding round thing (and see if it has milk in it)
- turn things like gears or handles and generally try to modify the environment
- this kid really loves mechanics.
Love, Veronica and Tom.