Clark is one!!! We had a sweet party for him on Saturday. I think he had a great time. In the past few weeks, Clark has developed some new skills. He just started clapping, sometimes he will point to his tongue, he will also look at me or Tom when we ask him, "Where's dada's/mama's tongue?" He is walking much much more now. He can't stand up when he falls, so he will walk as far as he can and then plop down. He can shake his head "no". He loves to give us hugs, kisses, and blow on our tummies. If we are laying on the ground, he knows its going to be a good time! Enjoy the pictures. It has been an amazing year.

I made him a yummy carrot cake (very baby friendly)! He's not a big eater so their aren't pictures of him smashing it on his face, sorry. He ate his cake slowly and deliberately with his little fork.

Here are pictures of his little friends.
The little girl in the front is Eva, her mom lives down the street and she was featured in his Superbowl Walking Video.
The boy in the back is Thomas, we met his parents in our birth class!

This is Clark with Anna, his babysitter and Work Auntie from when I was at Chemonics. She was in Afghanistan recently and bought him this adorable little vest!

Here are Eliana and Benji, two kids from down the street, they are enjoying some yummy sugar laden cupcakes. Their mommy is pregnant and due March 4th, so we'll see when that baby gets here!

Here are Clark and John Paul! They are such cute, sweet big boys now!

Here is Thomas again (from birth class) and the little pink one is Samantha. I met her mother at my Bradley training.

Here is Will Clark, he was born 3 days after Clark was. His mom is Katie.

John Paul's angelic face.

and here is one of Clark and Bernadette. I don't have any pics of her from the party, so here's one from when I was babysitting her. Clark loves her sooooo much!
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