Iris is getting so big! She is 15 weeks old now. She can kind of early sit with assistance, she has rolled a few times from back to front, she's got great head control, she can grab an object with 2 hands, she smiles, coos, laughs, she loves holding her feet, and she works out by kicking and bicycling almost non-stop every day. She is awesome. Her fat skin is delicious, she has the most beautiful fat rolls and fat dimples. You can just see her healthy fat glow, and smell her incredible milky fatness when you nuzzle in close.
We are finally settling into having 2 children. For a while, it was somewhat overwhelming. Our beloved 2 year old is quite "2". He is a handful, and armful, a room full and a house full. He is pretty awesome, but still quite a lot of work. As an example, we thought he was "taking a nap" today in his room. We heard thunking around, but assumed it was him hauling trucks into his bed. When we finally went in there. This is what we found.
He had hauled his vacuum, a wipes container and a bottle of lotion into bed, opened the lotion, spread it all over himself and kept saying, "broken, broken" because he couldn't figure out how to get the blue nozzle part back into the bottle.
We thought it was pretty hilarious, but tried not to reinforce it. This kid LOVES it when he finds something funny that makes us laugh. We have to be careful with him!
The good news about Clark is that he is turning into a big helper. He loves to do the things that we are doing. Here he is helping me vacuum.
He also adores his sister. He seriously adores her. This is why we were so eager to make another little one so soon, Clark has SO much love to give. He LOVE, LOVE, LOVES her. He is always eager to rock her in the swing, show her his toys, and he will run to her when I have the camera out and say "cheese!". Here, he is showing you her ear.
He loves to read with her! 
Green Eggs and Ham is one of his favorite books. He can "read" some of it with me. He is so cute when he reads the line, "Would you like them here or there" I say the first part, and he says "here or there" and he points left and right. He loves how it ends when Sam-I-am finally says, "try them, try them and you'll see" and the guy trys them and then the guy says "Thank you thank you Sam-I-Am." While it is a long bed time read compared to "Brown Bear" or one of the other kids books we have, reading it to him is such a pleasure.
Here is Clark cuddled up with Iris for a photo.
And another one. Don't they look so much alike? It is pretty nuts!

Here's one from last month with Tom and the kids, they look so much like him too!
And to end your day with happy sunshine. Our little flower!
Green Eggs and Ham is one of his favorite books. He can "read" some of it with me. He is so cute when he reads the line, "Would you like them here or there" I say the first part, and he says "here or there" and he points left and right. He loves how it ends when Sam-I-am finally says, "try them, try them and you'll see" and the guy trys them and then the guy says "Thank you thank you Sam-I-Am." While it is a long bed time read compared to "Brown Bear" or one of the other kids books we have, reading it to him is such a pleasure.
Here is Clark cuddled up with Iris for a photo.
Here's one from last month with Tom and the kids, they look so much like him too!
And to end your day with happy sunshine. Our little flower!
yeah, happy family photos! Happy Easter Blessings to all of you. Mom
ReplyDeleteWearing the "Thing 1" shirt one the same day the lotion bottle is broken broken is pretty amusing