I give up keeping up with this thing. I'm sorry everyone. From here on out, I'm just going to daily digest this blog and that will have to be enough. Although, the daily digest may have to be a seasonal digest. We'll see if I can keep up with that!
Here are some of my favorite photos from the Fall.Clark and Iris made a huge splashy, bubbly mess in the bathroom. Iris was covered with bubbles, Clark was thrilled and cheering the whole time he was splashing. Iris loves the bathroom. What is it with babies and bathrooms? or electricity for that matter? and dangerous cords? and choking hazards? Iris is my danger girl.

Here's some pics from Halloween. Iris fell asleep early, but it was a nap. She wok

When she was still sleeping, we tried to get Clark into his Winnie the Poo costume. He resisted, cried and generally acted like a child. So, we took this cute photo with Tom in Iris' costume, me in Clarks, and Clark in his pumpkin shirt that he was already wearing. I did eventually wrestle the boy into the costume and force him to trick or treat. Either Tom or I carried him the whole way. He and Iris had had a fever on and off the entire week. It was a hard week for them.

This is one of my favorite photos of her in her favorite spot, under the coffee table!

And as a mother, nothing has made me more happy than seeing how these two crazy kids love each other. Clark asks to hold her constantly. We went to vote the other day and I let someone hold Iris while I went in the booth. She was gone for one minute when Clark asked, "where's our baby?" In many ways the 3 of us are one person who all belong together. I've heard of the mother-baby di-ad, but we've definitely got a triad going on.

We love the Zoo and hanging out with Owen and Kathryn Farmer!

We've been buying apples from the farmers market. We can buy a bushel of "seconds" which means slightly "flawed", for $7, so we have. Its fun to think of ways to incorporate them into meals. Here is some Apple Chicken, Apple Risotto, Greenbeans with apples. it was all yummy.

We made Apple Cider, yum.

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